
Every day for improving


Sales Generator & Order Management offers you fast-track order processing system by eliminating manual bottlenecks and errors which helps in establishing a smooth flow from Inquiry, Quotation generation, PO, T&A, on time shipments. SgOM will integrate your order department to avoid any duplicity of work and miscommunication among team members.
enerates reports on various parameters and combinations of Agency(ies); Company(ies); Responsibility(ies); department(s) and scheduled months.

Key Features :

— Product Promotion: Build your own product eCatalog.
— Online and Direct Inquiries: Automate Inquiry management process and ensure all leads are timely followed.
— Centralized Depository: Manage Products, Customers and Vendors profile centrally to have complete set of information.
— Quotation Management: Generate online quotation to save time and efforts. Later, make sure that proposals are converted into orders.
— Purchase Orders: Manage and Analyse your Orders with proper allocation of responsibilities among the team members.
— Time and Activities: Build T&A and manage WIP for each order to make sure that your goods are timely shipped.
— MIS Automated reports and escalation/alerts on exceptions.

  • Alerts and Reminders
  • "To do List" & "Alerts".
  • Real time information with the management.
  • Quick quotation submission.
  • Customer Feedback for service & his Digital Signature.
  • Complaint Managment
  • Add Enquiry

For more details, please visit